Wednesday, August 5, 2009

first day of clomid

Today is my first day of my first cycle of Clomid. I hope it works and we're finally able to start the family we've been waiting for. Probably because I was anxious to start, I took the pill in the morning around 10am. I had very little side effects and feel fortunate that none of the SE I read about affected me. In hindsight, I should've taken it tonight so that I could've slept right through any side effects. 15 days ago, I started provera, which induced my period come. Exactly 5 days later, AF showed up. Everywhere around me, girls at my office, girlfriends of my close friends are pregnant. I can feel that i'm more melancholy than normal and I'm extremely lazy. Normally after work, I will cook or do something productive. For the past 5 days, I come home straight from work and get on the computer to research about infertility.

Here's to hoping I get a BFP early september!