Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I married an only child...I totally got ripped off.

I used to be the baby of the family until my parents decided to have my kid sister. We have a 14 year age difference between us. It's my brother, 1 year older, me, then her. Anyway, being the middle kid teaches you to share. My brother was bigger, meaner and stronger than me, so I had to use my noodle to get my way. I learned to manipulate. Then when my sister was old enough to talk, I was practically an adult, so playing with her wasn't much fun. I've always been the mother figure to her. She's smart. She comes to me when she needs the essentials, like clothes. Anyway, so I come from a family of 3, a huge extended family chocked full of aunts, uncles, cousins, etc and I marry a guy, who is an only child. Who is also the child of an only child. It doesn't get much lonlier than that. I mean it's great on one hand. I have one mother-in-law to deal with. But on the other hand, we are all she has, so she stays with us for long periods of time.

I think of a time in the future when my parents are older and will need assistence. It's times like this that makes me appreciate having a brother and sister to help shoulder the responsibility. Being an adult really pisses me off. So, for the sake of my future children, I will try to have more than one because God knows what a pain in the ass I will be in 40 years.

Monday, January 28, 2008


Originally uploaded by Sphan63402


Originally uploaded by Sphan63402
favorite neice....she's so adorable!