Saturday, December 29, 2007

too tired to try to edit that last post...

Anyway, MIL is going back home! Yay! Although we love her, it will be nice to start 2008 with just us. When my MIL is here, my kitchen does not look like the picture below. I should snap a photo before we load up the car tomorrow. She's a pack rat and loves to line crap all around the perimeter of my island. Now, I'm not trying to imply that I'm super duper neat and tidy, but I do try to keep my kitchen and living room clean because when people come over, that's where we hang. Our top level where the bedrooms are located, is a true picture to our living habits. I dump stuff all over my bedroom. But the common areas in our home is generally tidy. So yay for 2008. :)

A new year with just me and my hubby..

Originally uploaded by Sphan63402
It might sound harsh, but I am SO EXCITED TO HAVE MY KITCHEN BACK!

Friday, December 28, 2007

boy, i'm dark!

Originally uploaded by Sphan63402
well, I was on my honeymoon, anyway. In this photo, I think I'm almost darker then my hubby!